The NHL Winter Classic was a debacle from start to finish - but somehow all the local media gushed afterwards that it was a success. It's as if the local media was afraid to tell the truth.
The NHL Winter Classic sucked. The weather sucked. The Penguins sucked. NBC's coverage sucked - it was like they had epileptics workin' the cameras - from Mt. Washington !
WPXI putting David Johnson on the "11 on Ice" postgame coverage was quite a treat though - because I love watching people laugh uncomfortably for extended periods of time.
Now look - some of the people I care about most in this world work in the media. I know there's no "media conspiracy" - but it's unbelievable that nobody wanted to tell the truth. IT SUCKED !
Maybe they didn't want to offend Mario - hoping that someday he'll actually grant them an interview. ( Good luck with that !)
Perhaps it was not wanting to start of 2011 with a ANOTHER bummer of a story - like the Pitt football coach quandary. I dunno. It's mind boggling that so many reporters and journalists would not tell the truth - and in that regard - so many of my favorite local media types reminded me of politicians this weekend. They were blowin' smoke up my arse.
Ya know - when the local media is afraid to tell the truth - you get alot more stories about how Pittsburgh is America's Most Liveable city - and not many stories about how Allegheny County has some of the most polluted air in the United States of America.
Look - Pittsburghers are tough - we can handle the truth - we expect the truth. Tell the freakin' story !
Here's a general rule:
If your wife asks you: "Does my ass look fat in these jeans?" - lying is acceptable.
If you're covering news - it's not.